Dachaigh> Products> Ionadan seòlta> Terminal smart 8.0-òirleach> Central Prìs Mion-reic Direger 4GB + 64GB deireannach POS
Central Prìs Mion-reic Direger 4GB + 64GB deireannach POS
Central Prìs Mion-reic Direger 4GB + 64GB deireannach POS
Central Prìs Mion-reic Direger 4GB + 64GB deireannach POS
Central Prìs Mion-reic Direger 4GB + 64GB deireannach POS
Central Prìs Mion-reic Direger 4GB + 64GB deireannach POS
Central Prìs Mion-reic Direger 4GB + 64GB deireannach POS
Central Prìs Mion-reic Direger 4GB + 64GB deireannach POS
Central Prìs Mion-reic Direger 4GB + 64GB deireannach POS

Central Prìs Mion-reic Direger 4GB + 64GB deireannach POS

$349.91-49 Others

$315.950-199 Others


Seòrsa Pàighidh:Western Union,T/T,Paypal
Buadhan toraidh


Àite OriginSìona

Inbhe ToraidhÙr

Ùine Barantais (bliadhnaichean)1-bliadhna




Seòrsa TaisbeanaidhSgrion suathadh


Seòrsa PlugCN

SreathAirson Gnothachas

Place Of OriginGuangdong, China

Brand NameWinson

After-sales Service ProvidedOnline Support

Warranty1 Year

Operation SystemWIN 7

CPUIntel Celeron J1900 @ 2.0GHz

Touch Screen TypeCapacitive Screen

Hard Disk Capacity4GB +64GB


Memory RAMStandard 4GB

Memory FlashStandard 64GB

Power SupplyDC12V/5A


Humidity5%~95% humidity,No condensation



Pacadh & Lìbhrigeadh
Aonadan reic : piece
Seòrsa pacaid : Pacadh gnàthaichte (barganachadh)
Eisimpleir dealbh :

The file is encrypted. Please fill in the following information to continue accessing it

Tuairisgeul an toraidh

Bidh siostam reic Siostam Winsson a 'reic prìs reic prìs 4Gb + 64gb Terminal SMART

Tha an corp pos air a dhèanamh le Abs-ìre Abs a tha air a bhith a 'toirt buaidh air Sco Story Sco Story Terminal .

Faodar CBA SMART TERCERS SUP SUST SUSSSEMBLEED mus tèid an inneal a phacadh a-steach do carton nas lugha, sàbhail do chosgais luingeis co-dhiù 35%.

pos system


1. Furasta a chuir a-steach agus a chleachdadh an àite sam bith

CUIMHEARSNACHD DEILE AIRSON STOINNEACHADH LALFING NO A-STEACH A-STEACH GU TALAMH Roinn, Mòr-bhùthan, stòran grosaireachd beaga, stòran cosmaigeach dhrogaichean, tombaca, tombaca agus tombaca,

Coileanadh Leughaidh 2.Superior

Air a thogail a-steach le barcode le ceàrnachaidh 2D àrd-choileanadh Scanegine.

3.highly Customizable le raon farsaing de fheartan

Dealbhadh taobh a-muigh, WiFi, BT.

pos system pos system pos system

pos system pos system

pos system

Bidh siostam Mì-reic Siostam Windonn SIneson Peter Profer Profer (64GB + Jegl a 'dol gu crìch le Sganair Barcode 2d

pos system

winson companywinson company

Mion-fhiosrachadh toraidh

System Configuration









Intel Celeron J1900 @ 2.0GHz

Memory RAM

Standard 4GB

Memory Flash

Standard 64GB

Operation System

Win 7


8.0 inches touch LCD screen




Two stereo speaker (5W)

Power Supply


I/O Interface






External Interface





USB 2.0 * 2

LAN(10/100) * 1

Power port * 1

BT * 1 

Wifi * 1

Interal Reserved Interface

Support OEM customization

Standard Module

Barcode scanner

CMOS 2D Barcode Scanner


SIM Card

Can input SIM card and support 2G/3G/4G

Physical properties 



Working Environment



5%~95% humidity,No condensation



Bidh siostam Mì-reic Siostam Windonn SIneson Peter Profer Profer (64GB + Jegl a 'dol gu crìch le Sganair Barcode 2dwinson company

Dachaigh> Products> Ionadan seòlta> Terminal smart 8.0-òirleach> Central Prìs Mion-reic Direger 4GB + 64GB deireannach POS
Cuir rannsachadh

Cuiridh sinn fios thugaibh gu bheil thu dìreach a 'faighinn a-steach

Lìon a-steach barrachd fiosrachaidh gus am faigh thu fios thugad nas luaithe

Aithris Prìobhaideachd: Tha do phrìobhaideachd glè chudromach dhuinne. Tha a 'chompanaidh againn a' gealltainn gun a bhith a 'foillseachadh do fhiosrachadh pearsanta do cheadan soilleir.
