Dachaigh> Products> PDA Gnìomhachais> Coimpiutaireachd gluasadach screed Android
Coimpiutaireachd gluasadach screed Android
Coimpiutaireachd gluasadach screed Android
Coimpiutaireachd gluasadach screed Android
Coimpiutaireachd gluasadach screed Android
Coimpiutaireachd gluasadach screed Android
Coimpiutaireachd gluasadach screed Android
Coimpiutaireachd gluasadach screed Android

Coimpiutaireachd gluasadach screed Android

$599.91-49 Others

$555.550-199 Others


Seòrsa Pàighidh:L/C,T/T,D/P,Paypal,Others,D/A
Buadhan toraidh


TeisteanasCe, CCC CE RoHS IP

Product StatusStock

Operating SystemPalm

Processor TypeIntel

Types OfHandheld Computer

Memory Capacity≤ 16mb, 2+16 GB/3+32GB

Place Of OriginChina

Private MoldYes

Products StatusStock

Operating SystemAndroid 9.0

Processor Type2GHz, Ouad/Octa Core, 12nm


Screen Size4 inch

Weight269g, 269g

Brand NameWinson

Model NumberWPC-5000UHF

Place Of OriginGuangdong, China

Operation Duration14 hours




SensersLight, Proximity, 3D G sensor, Hall

LEDCharging, Scan and System stauts

NFC(Optional)13.56MHz NFC(Option)

Pacadh & Lìbhrigeadh
Aonadan reic : piece
Seòrsa pacaid : Pacadh gnàthaichte (barganachadh)
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Tuairisgeul an toraidh
Tuairisgeul toraidh
mobile terminal
mobile terminal
mobile terminal
mobile terminal
Quad-core 1.3 GHz
Operating System
Android 6.0
16 GB +2 GB
Expansion Slot
Micro SD card, up to 32 GB
4.7-inch, 1280 x 720 high resolution
Touch Panel
Industrial-grade capacitive touch panel (supporting operation with gloves)
Camera (optional)
8 MP autofocus camera in the back side, autofocus lens, LED flash
4 front keys, 4 side keys, Power key (can be set as customized key)
3.8V 3600mAh / 3.7V 3300mAh lithium polymer battery(PDA) + 3.7V 5200 mAh(pistol grip)
Built-in microphone /Micro USB/Headphone connector
Vibrator alerts/LED/Audio notification
Vibration Motor
Built-in programmable vibration motor
G-Sensor/Proximity sensor/Light sensor
mobile terminal
mobile terminal
Tha an tiotal a 'dol an seo.
Le bhith a 'caitheamh le modalan àrd-ùrlar UHF Leugh agus sgrìobh mhodalan, le Antenna Cuimseach Antena, Leugh agus sgrìobh astaran, ìre leughaidh taga ≥200tags / sguag.
winson company
winson company

Faic barrachd >> air a mholadh leis an neach-reic

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Dachaigh> Products> PDA Gnìomhachais> Coimpiutaireachd gluasadach screed Android
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Aithris Prìobhaideachd: Tha do phrìobhaideachd glè chudromach dhuinne. Tha a 'chompanaidh againn a' gealltainn gun a bhith a 'foillseachadh do fhiosrachadh pearsanta do cheadan soilleir.
